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The Five Love Languages of Children

By Gary Chapman & Ross Campbell M.D.

We need to fill our children’s emotional tanks with unconditional love; love that accepts and affirms a child for who he is, not for what he does.

  • Physical touch
  • Words of Affirmation
  • Quality time
  • Gifts
  • Acts of Service


  1. List the names of the students
  2. Leave a space and think of the nicest thing they can say about each one and write it down
  3. Collate and give each individual the list

Parents are the fist and most important teachers. Researchers now agree that the optimum time for the stimulation of basic learning abilities in a child is before the age of six. Dr. Burton White, founder and director of the Harvard Preschool Project, says, “It appears that a first-rate educational experience during the first three years of life is required if a person is to develop to his/her full potential”. And sociologists and educators, convinced such stimulation of the very young can spur learning abilities, have created programs designed to help disadvantaged and minority children during their preschool years.

Ideally, the early intellectual development of children should take place in the home. Children discover life through the five senses. A home environment that is rich in stimulation of vision, hearing, touch, taste and smell will feed their natural desire to discover and learn.

“Parents are the missing link in improving American education,” according to US Secretary of Education Richard Riley(‘92-‘01). Indeed, a 1996 study measuring reading comprehension indicated that students whose parents were actively involved in their schools scored significantly higher than other children.

Emotional maturity (the ability to control their anxiety, withstand stress, and maintain balance during times of change), will make the difference for children in times of crisis.